TI:IN:24 Momoyo Kaijima, Junzo Kuroda, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Made in Tokyo “Este tipo de redes de arquitectura software son invisibles y sólo sus partes, las tiendas, pueden percibirse realmente. Por tanto, en términos de estrategia de red, puede darse la cuestión de dónde ubicar exactamente los comercios, pero no hay problema físico en cuanto a la especificidad del diseño de cada tienda. [...] La existen-cia de estos espacios aporta el naci-miento de una tipología edificatoria que no se preocupa por el concepto del "lugar". Son capaces de introdu-cirse en cualquier emplazamiento y su especificidad está fundamentada en el tiempo, ofreciendo sus servicios de forma continuada durante las 24 horas.” TI:IN:NT Julian Worrall and Erez Golani Solomon, 21st Century Tokyo: a Guide to Architecture “KONBINI -the tiny but ubiquitous convenience stores that populate the Japanese city- have become an indis-pensable part of the life in contempo-rary Japan. In addition to supplying the usual food, drink and essential household items, the typical konbini today processes parcel deliveries, bill payments, and entertainment book-ings; provides telephones, faxes, photocopiers, and ATM machines; and is furnished with magazines and newspapers, toilets, public garbage bins, and smoking zones.” TI:IN:NT Agathi Glezakos, Movie Review: Lost in Translation”. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping “The music in Lost In Translation’s KARAOKE scene constitutes a common “language” that allows Bob and Charlotte to connect with some of the Japanese people amidst their alienation.” TI:IN:NT Roland Barthes, The Empire of Signs “The PACHINKO is a collective and solitary game. The machines are set up in long rows; each player standing in front of his pand plays for himself, without looking at his neighbor, whom he nonetheless brushes with his elbow. You hear onl y the balls whir-ring through their channels.” TI:IN:NT “A MANGA-KISSA (マンガ喫茶) is a kind of café where people can read manga. People pay for the time they stay in the café. Most manga cafés also offer internet access like internet cafés (ネットカフェ netto kafe). (One large chain, Popeye, uses the term “MEDIA CAFE”). Additional services include video games, television, snack/beverage vending machine, and more. Like Japanese cafés in general, smoking is usually permitted.” TI:IN:NT “A CAPSULE HOTEL (カプセルホテル) is a type of hotel developed in Japan that features a large number of extremely small “rooms” (capsules) intended to provide cheap, basic overnight accommodation for guests who do not require the services offered by more conventional hotels.” TI:IN:NT “LOVE HOTELS can usually be identi-fied using symbols such as hearts and the offer of a room rate for a “rest” ( kyūkei) as well as for an overnight stay. The period of a “rest” varies, typically ranging from one to three hours. Cheaper daytime off-peak rates are common.” IN:ME:SO Toyo Ito, A Garden of Microchips, The Archi-tectural Image of the Microelectronic Age “Another phenomenal city of lights, sounds and images is superimposed on the tangible urban space of build-ings and civil engineering works. The city as phenomenon takes many different guises, from spaces created directly by lights and images to abstract spaces woven from signs that fall into the category of the media.” IN:ME:SO TokyoAds, Nicolas Damiens ES:VE:3D Conversion System, “Urban Redevelopment Policy” 1986, Urban Development Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government “Se impulsa un modelo de co-propie-dad y comunalización de los edificios para pasar de las tipologías edificato-rias pequeñas y aisladas a edificios más grandes y multiprogramáticos” ES:VE:CO Types of Districts and Zones, “Urban Redevel-opment Policy” 1986, Urban Development Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government ES:VE:CO Programmatic Compatibilities, “Urban Rede-velopment Policy” 1986, Urban Development Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government IN:ME:SO El Gobierno del Área Metropolitana de Tokyo emplea el suelo, única superficie libre de información comercial, para incorporar información referente a normativas: velocidad de circulación, prohibición de fumar, etc.