La estatua de la libertad francesa (Île aux Cygnes) se ubicó en Odaiba de abril de 1998 a mayo de 1999 por el año de Francia en Japón. Fue tan popular que en el año 2000 se construye una réplica de la misma. TI:DU:AR Statue of Liberty, París, Francia. 1889 Statue of Liberty, Tokio, Japón. 2000 ES:VE:DE Gundam de Odaiba, Tokio, Japón. 2009 ES:VE:DE Toyo Ito, A Garden of Microchips, The Archi-tectural Image of the Microelectronic Age. “The modern Japanese city embodies an inverse (or antithetical) concept of urbanity where individual urban arte-facts invent and frame their own realities; they are independent of each other and the city as a whole which, within this process, comes to repre-sent an elusive, almost nonphysical form of a locale.” TI:DU:AR Yukio Mishima, A Defense of Culture “Essentially, Japanese culture does not distinguish the original from the copy. We see the most typical exam-ple in the construction of Ise Shrine. The newly built shrine is always the original, which hands over its life as the original to the new one as soon as it is built. The copy becomes the original. Such a concept about culture still ocupies the deepest parts of our minds today.” Diseñada por Tachū Naitō, la Tokyo Tower fue construida tras la II Guerra Mundial, mide 332,6 metros de altura, 8.6 más que la Torre Eiffel, y pesa unas 4.000 toneladas, a diferencia de las 10.100 de la Torre Eiffel. TI:DU:AR Torre Eiffel, París, Francia. 1889 Tokyo Tower, Tokio, Japón. 1958 ES:VE:DE Toyo Ito, A Garden of Microchips, The Archi-tectural Image of the Microelectronic Age. “The modern Japanese city embodies an inverse (or antithetical) concept of urbanity where individual urban arte-facts invent and frame their own realities; they are independent of each other and the city as a whole which, within this process, comes to repre-sent an elusive, almost nonphysical form of a locale.” TI:DU:AR Yukio Mishima, A Defense of Culture “Essentially, Japanese culture does not distinguish the original from the copy. We see the most typical exam-ple in the construction of Ise Shrine. The newly built shrine is always the original, which hands over its life as the original to the new one as soon as it is built. The copy becomes the original. Such a concept about culture still ocupies the deepest parts of our minds today.” El Rainbow Bridge conecta la ciudad de Tokio con la isla artificial de Odaiba, recalificada en 1996, permitiendo la construcción de la playa artificial, el único lugar de disfrute de la bahía de Tokio. TI:DU:AR Golden Gate, San Francisco, USA. 1933 Rainbow Bridge, Tokio, Japón. 1993 TI:DU:AR Yukio Mishima, A Defense of Culture “Essentially, Japanese culture does not distinguish the original from the copy. We see the most typical exam-ple in the construction of Ise Shrine. The newly built shrine is always the original, which hands over its life as the original to the new one as soon as it is built. The copy becomes the original. Such a concept about culture still ocupies the deepest parts of our minds today.” ES:HO:EX Projects by different members of the Metabolist Group between 1957 and 1961, Rem Koolhaas & Hans Ulrich Obrist, Project Japan. ES:HO:EX Rem Koolhaas & Hans Ulrich Obrist, Project Japan. Metabolism Talks “In the international wave of postwar hyper-engineering -reversing rivers, space travel and supersonic flight- the inhabitation of Tokyo Bay seems plausible. What was previously thought of as an intractable geograph-ical limitation suddenly transforms in the imagination into a new zone for free growth, facilitated by high-tech engineering. [...] Tokyo Bay thus becomes a laboratory for artificial ground, which evolves into a core Metabolist concept, equally important as the capsule, though historically overlooked.” ES:HO:EX Land reclamation in Tokyo Bay between 1910 and 2000.