TI:DU:NA Blaine Brownell, Matter in the Floating World: conversations with Leading Japanese Archi-tects and Designers “In the 18th century, influential literary scholar Motoori Norinaga coined the phrase mono no aware, which has been translated as “sensitivity to things” as well as “awareness of the transient beauty of nature”. In this expression, Norinaga captured the essence of Japanese attentiveness to the present moment.” TI:DU:NA Arata Isozaki “No city in Japan is like European cities. In Europe, cities reflect the contrast with nature; nature and the city are two opposite concepts. In Japan, cities are like villages that have grown naturally from the ‘power of nature’. In Europe, cities have a particular structure, what we call an ‘urban’ structure. In Japan we don’t have such a structure.” TI:DU:NA El calendario de floración de Sakura genera grandes movimientos turísticos entre las distintas islas del archipiélago japonés. TI:DU:NA Cambiar la cualidad material del suelo es fundamental para convertir el espacio del hanami en un lugar doméstico sobre el que poder descalzarse TI:DU:NA How to “Hanami”, Japan Magazine “The reservation of a picnic spot for hanami works on a first-come- first-served basis. It is a common practice to reserve a picnic spot in advance by spreading a picnic sheet. Sometimes the spot where only a sheet is left spread may not be taken as reserved. In that case, someone needs to be on the spot till the party starts. And reserving a larger space than you need is not a good manner. Some people may stay alone for long hours so that the group has a space when they arrive.” TI:IN:24 Obento (お弁当), sistema de preparación de alimentos pensado para ser fácilmente trans-portado y consumido en cualquier lugar. IN:CU:RE Tom Gill, Unconventional Moralities, Tolerance and Containment in Urban Japan; Morals of Legitimacy: Between Agency and System “Japanese Government involves itself in regulating spheres of life that are thought none of its business in other countries. Over-regulation and the need to dismantle it has become a dominant media theme in Japan ever since the bursting of the economic bubble sent the nation into prolonged recession at the start of the 1990s. Second, Japan is a country of relative-ly small government in terms of personnel and taxation: as of 1995, only 6 percent of the workforce was in the public sector […]. In the area of law and its enforcement, the implica-tion of these two elements is that there are many laws and regulations and relatively few prosecutors, judges and police to enforce them. […] In the realm of law, this implies a degree of voluntary compliance on the part of the public; selective enforcement when such compliance is not forth-coming; and hence a double standard between the written and enforced law. Some things are illegal but tolerated; others are legal but socially stigma-tised.” IN:CU:RE Normativa de hanami en el Parque Ueno